Archive for March, 2011

Sales Letters in 2011. Do they Matter?

March 9, 2011

Wondering if it makes sense to send out a sales letter in 2011? You’re not alone if you hesitate. Competition for customers these days remains fierce, and you may well ask yourself if you’ll see a return on the time invested.
Without a doubt… yes, it’s still worth it. In fact, for today’s small to mid-sized business (1 to 75 people) a strong sales letter nudges you in front of those who just don’t bother. It’s a written statement of goodwill. And it creates a bridge to your customer’s front door, when you don’t have the physical resources to visit in person. Sales letters serve as a reminder of your qualifications, your talents, and your vision. And they build top-of-mind awareness with the clients you most value.
If you seek technical pointers on how to write powerful sales copy, information is abundant. Just Google “sales writing” and you’ll come up with millions of hits — some better than others, and each with a “guaranteed” way to write sparkling copy.
So I won’t use this space to talk about how. Instead, I’ll expand upon why. We’re immersed in tweets, blogs, mobile updates, e-mails and nano-second communication; so why are sales letter still relevant? Perhaps ironically, the answer stands the test of time.
Technology can provide speed. But it can’t provide what we humans have always had — the tools of power and persuasion that drive sales. It can’t know your client’s wants and needs, or how to engage emotions through word craft. A speedy email just can’t achieve the same impact.
A strong sales letter differs from e-mails and tweets because it’s more personal, eye-catching and engaging. In short? The better your sales letter, the greater your opportunities.