Archive for November, 2010

Poem — Goodbye to 2010

November 22, 2010

The yard is mottled with lumpy patches,
Some brown, some yellow, some green.
It’s as if the ground is braced for change
Inevitable, helpless, exciting change,

Large acorn trees tower above.
They’re teasing.
Maybe we’ll drop more nuts on your struggling green landscape;
maybe we won’t.
Or perhaps we’ll let Mother Nature decide,
as she sends wind and rain storms that speak of impending winter.

Time to nestle indoors, and let thoughts turn to home heating bills, football games, and Christmas ads that start way too early.
Time also to reckon with the relatives.
Some will blend in great around the Thanksgiving table.
Others… not so much.

Megamind Musings

November 22, 2010

The movie theater was dark. Only the lighted walkway on the floor guided the audience as they walked along, balancing buckets of overstuffed popcorn drenched in butter and large gulp size sodas as they tiptoed along.

We found our way to section of the theater that wasn’t crowded. We didn’t want to get stuck behind some guy with a large head, or some woman with an oversized hat who thought she was making a fashion statement.

For a change, this was not a 3D movie. That was okay with me; those bulky black 3D glasses always left a mark on the bridge of my nose, and I’d constantly play with them during the movies – on, off. On, off. Not helping the viewing experience!

The previews ended, and the lights dimmed. The movie began. It was a show I’d been wanting to see for awhile now — Megamind. It was wholesome, fun for kids, and had a good message to tell – that bad guys are often just misunderstood good guys. And that sometimes the people we look up to as heroes aren’t always all they’re cracked up to be.

A couple boys to the left of us began kicking the seats in front of them. The boys couldn’t have been more than 6 or 7 years old. Still, it was annoying. Along with sticky floors and chewed gum under the seats, I didn’t need the constant kicking vibration of little boy sneakers.

But then again, that’s part of the whole movie experience, isn’t it? The wide screen, the candy rustling in nervous fingers, the larger than life previews? Time to sink into our seats and enjoy the ride.